Week 4
During the
weekly meeting, there was an issue with the motor and wheel mechanism of the
car, after meeting with the supervisor, we discovered that the screw that
connects the gear for the track-wheel to the motor had moved out of place,
therefore causing the whole system to not function correctly. As the solution
was to simply return the screw to its original position, the problem was
The plan
for the Week 4 Lab was also discussed, as with limited time and the track
design not being finalised, we had to decide on the best solution if the track
with black tape doesn’t work; with alternatives including using paper with the
track printed on. We confirmed that the original track design was too thick as
the tape caused an overlap with the Infra-Red Sensors and caused unwanted
turning as well as stops that we didn’t anticipate.
Week 4
As the motor issue was fixed in preparation for the final lab session, we swiftly progressed onto testing, re-designing and implementing the track, with the final design now being:
The robot is able to navigate this track.
As the track was finalised, we implemented the Ultrasonic Distance Sensor and verified this functions correctly by covering the sensor to see if the robot stops, despite still being on the track.
With all of the modules being fully functional and the track having been finalised, we secured all the modules and included the storage box so that items can be placed inside the robot.
The final schematic of the robot, with the different connections shown:

The final test:
The alternative methods for the Code were also documented in a flow chart, as these will be included in the poster and presentation.
Finally, the front view of the robot, which shows the Ultrasonic Distance Sensor:
The back view of the robot, which shows the Infra-Red Sensors:
The Gantt Chart was also completed, with only the technical report needing to be completed, which is due after the Bench Inspection.
The final section of the Gantt Chart simply shows the progress for the Report and preparation for the Bench inspection, where the documents are finished.
The full details of the Gantt Chart are shown below:

Where the key shows the Week start by the light pink bar along the days, the duration of the Plan in the lightest shade of blue, with its actual start in the middle shade of blue, and then the actual duration of the plan in lilac where it extends the original plan duration, and finally the darker blue refers to the percentage completed, with the darker pink showing where the completion has ran beyond the original plan.
Focusing on the previous weeks and week 4 section:

At this stage, all tasks are entirely complete, with the exception of one of the secondary goals not being met, where the original plan was for the robot to move from one point to another following the track, whilst avoiding obstacles, there is an issue for the obstacle avoidance, as if an item is blocking the track, the robot cannot continue further on, it simply will stop, preventing damage to itself. This is why, although it does follow the track, given the track is empty, the functionality is unable to be entirely completed. More time would be needed to test and implement this goal at a high standard, as it could potentially disrupt other functions if its inadequate. The poster has been completed and will be given in full detail in a separate blog entry. As the Bench Inspection preparation is completed, notes will be taken during the first presentation in order to swiftly improve the second presentation. This will be documented in a separate blog entry.
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