Week 2


Week 1 Pre-Lab:

We reviewed the original design plan to see if any new modules would be beneficial the function of the robot, the only component that we decided to add was a servo motor so that the ultrasonic module obstacle avoidance could be improved. This was documented in the lab book on the original design plan, which will need to be redrafted. In addition to this, a solution to secure the module has been possibly found, but the decision for a permanent solution will be further discussed after the Week 2 Lab session, where more tests will have been conducted.

The plan for the lab session:

Week 2 Lab:

In the lab session, the code was reviewed and it was decided that this would be the topic of discussion in the Week 3 Group Meeting, as small changes might be necessary.

After the brief group meeting, we continued to work on the hardware as the main driving code was separately tested. 

Following the plan to focus on the sensors, we started with connecting the infra-red sensor in order to test it. Which can be shown in the video:

As the IR Sensor was working correctly, we continued by checking the Ultrasonic Distance Sensor, allowing for the robot car to avoid objects. Using a test code, the function of the sensors was verified. The current movement abilities, based on test code, of the car can be seen in the video:

A main issue that we faced was finding a solution in order to test the movement of the car, without any cables being disconnected, however, securing the modules and the cables for brief testing was not necessary. Although a permanent solution will be needed once all modules are implemented, since there will be more connections and therefore being more likely to move if not glued down. Similarly, securing the connections will ensure that the cables don't interfere with the movement of the track wheels.

The Gantt Chart was also updated accordingly:

The full details for the Gantt Chart are shown below:

Where the key shows the Week start by the light pink bar along the days, the duration of the Plan in the lightest shade of blue, with its actual start in the middle shade of blue, and then the actual duration of the plan in lilac where it extends the original plan duration, and finally the darker blue refers to the percentage completed, with the darker pink showing where the completion has ran beyond the original plan.

Focusing on Week 1 and Week 2 Progress:

During Week 2, we finished the designing stage, which unexpectedly took longer than presumed, which is shown by the pink bar in the chart. The code progressed quickly, but was allocated more time in order for continuous testing before it is implemented. 


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