Week 3


Week 3 Pre-Lab:

Post week 2 lab, the weekly meeting was held and it was decided to change the fundamental design of the code. Where it was originally based on a map where an (x,y) co-ordinate was input and the robot moved to this point, it now functions on a track model where the robot will follow a track, avoiding potential obstacles through moving off the track temporarily and returning back on to the track as soon as the path is clear. In order to do this, we needed to design a track pathway and a code for the Infra-Red Sensors to follow. We decided to focus on this task for the lab, taking the Ultrasonic Distance Sensor away temporarily as the path didn't include obstacles at this time.

The design for the track was discussed and originally is:

Week 3 Lab:

As the main focus of the lab was to implement the new code and create the track, the original track we designed was tested, using black tape. However, an issue occurred with the robot turning due to the Infra-Red Sensors, as there was no longer any track for it to follow or be notified to turn, with the track positioning  not being correct for the robot to complete a full 90 degree turn. 

The track was re-designed so that turning could be possible, which is shown as:

An issue with the right Infra-Red Sensor was noticed. Assuming it wasn’t at the same level of sensitivity as the left side Infra-Red Sensor, we adjusted the distance threshold by using a screwdriver clockwise on the variable resistor.

The schematic for the Infra-Red Sensor, with the variable resistor highlighted in blue:

More testing was done during this stage to correct the sensitivity.

Subsequently, we noticed that the issue was slightly fixed but still not up to the standard that we expected. And so, through more testing by changing the track and repeating the turn, we ended up with the motor itself becoming a problem. 

After meeting the supervisor to find the root cause of the problem and discuss the best solution, we discovered that a screw had came loose that connects the wheel system to the motor, however this was immediately fixed in order for it to be ready for Week 4.

The Gantt Chart was updated:

Where the key shows the Week start by the light pink bar along the days, the duration of the Plan in the lightest shade of blue, with its actual start in the middle shade of blue, and then the actual duration of the plan in lilac where it extends the original plan duration, and finally the darker blue refers to the percentage completed, with the darker pink showing where the completion has ran beyond the original plan.

Focusing on the previous weeks section:

Where the design is almost complete, but still not 100% finished, as we need to finalise the track. This also has took longer than expected, which is shown by the pink bar where it deviates from the original plan. As the Ultrasonic Distance Sensor has not been implemented, the progress is only partially completed, notified by the purple bar not entirely full. The weekly logs, blog and other documents, such as individual lab books, have been getting completed as each week progresses, and the testing of the modules is now finished. The poster layout has been decided, alongside all of the information that will be placed on it but following the plan, there is still sufficient time to complete this so that it can be printed, and fixed if any issues appear. Finally, the bench preparation, report and functionality are a focus for week 4, so although these run throughout the entire project, which is shown by the lilac bars, the documents and resources needed to complete these have regularly been updated during Week 1, 2 and 3.


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